just stuff

just some rants and salutes to share

Friday, July 15, 2005

It's about time

Today I finally got some good news. I found a job that is rewarding and something I can do.
A little over a year ago, I was injured at work and have been off work on disability ever since. Not many people understand my condition which is called Reflex Sympathetic Distrophy. It is very complex and affects everyone differently. What it is to me, is my nerves from mid-back to my toes on my left side aren't working. This causes poor circulation, un-natural pain response, insensitivity to heat and over sensitivity to cold. I aslo have extreme pain but I don't have the ability to feel if something pierces my skin. For example: Icarried a thumb tack around in my foot for who knows how long and didn't feel it. I didn't know it was there until I saw the blood.
This has been a very trying time for me as now I have to find ways to accomidate my injury into my life. Getting this job will be a good first step. I know I have lots to offer, and working may help to get my spirits back up.I will hopefully feel useful and whole again. Don't get me wrong, I know there are many people out there worse than me, but it still depresses me that I will never be up to where I was before I got hurt. Every cloud has a rainbow and for me today the sun just started to shine. There will be a rainbow in my very near future


At 11:47 PM, Blogger Love Mom said...


At 11:33 AM, Blogger Love Mom said...

so, tell us how the first day at work is....


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