just stuff

just some rants and salutes to share

Monday, September 19, 2005


well, i really feel like im being set up at work lately. the manager at my saturday store always seems to have a problem with everything i do and today my suspisions very validated. the manager at my saturday store called my other manager and was bad=mouthing me to her. well she didn't like or agree with anything she was being told so she called me on it. after i explained how and what i felt she told me i was doing great and not to change anything about the way i work. without me knowing, she then called my district manager and explained what i told her to him. later in the day i was busy doing my work when surprise... the D.M called me and asked what my prob was with my sat manager. i retold my story and he as well agreed i'm doing a great job and he will look into the set-up. this made me feel lots better as i have been stressing about money shortages and stuff. he said not to worry about anything he would take care of things. so one stresser resolved but now for tomorrow... i have that court appointment which i blogged about previously, and yes i am nervous. with the two stressors today i managed to give myself a migrane which isn't cool but i feel a bit better now. so we'll take it step by step tomorrow and see how that goes. that is all i have time for tonight as i still feel like crap and i can only hope i get some sleep tonight cuz im sure tomorrow will be very emotionally draining for me. take care all and keep strong.


At 10:35 PM, Blogger Love Mom said...

Good luck tomorrow...I will be praying for you!!!


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