just stuff

just some rants and salutes to share

Sunday, August 28, 2005

sleep is so overrated

well, here i am again. another day with only 3 hours sleep. surprisengly enough i don't feel too bad. it was fun day in the park today so me and my boy went to check it out. there were clowns, dancers, baton dancers, ethnic dancers, local bands, baloon animals, jumping pits and a big slide that you use a burlap sack to go down. he is such a big boy that he went all by himself. weeee all the way down, he was so proud. there is supposed to be fireworks tonight too but not till 10 so he will be asleep long before that.
my hours got changed at work so now i work just under full time but i have to work f-s-sun
tues and thurs are my days off this month. but i will be home just in time to tuck bryce in for bed every night but once a week.
finally today was beautiful. about 29 degrees and no rain. nice and hot. a great day to be outside. but the wasps are terrible here. they swarm you as soon as you go outside. bryce got bit last week by one and it scared him and it really hurt. now he cringes every time he sees one. he also got his first real hair cut at a barber shop. it looks really cute but it cost $11 snd my whole clipperset only cost $9 so i think he will only get it done at the barbers a couple times a year. i'll do the rest.
not too much else is new or worth sharing so i'll go for now. take care everyone and for those who haven't posted lately, let me know how you are doing. post or email me


At 9:23 PM, Blogger tanby said...

R i am already on sleeping pills but my leg hurts so bad they don't work for more than a few hours then i wake up again. i don't mind full time hours cuz then maybe i can start to save a bit of money for a rainy day. more likely to put bj in more activities. keep me posted as to how you are doing. love ya

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Love Mom said...

Congrats on full time hours...you had told me before, I think, that you had or may be getting them.

The kids in this house are really excited for school too. Hallie especially. First first day of school and Jenn has her last first day of school.Oi!


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