just stuff

just some rants and salutes to share

Saturday, August 13, 2005

adventures of two preteen, giggling girls

well, two of my neices come down for a summer visit. it has been quite a while since i saw them and boy were they excited. i don't think they stopped giggling since they got here. they know i have to work but as soon as i'm done i have to go see them. it has been raining the entire time they have been here so we have had to change most of our plans. Yesterday mom and i decided to take them out for a special, fancy lunch. She suggested going to the Bes cuz it looks like a castle. everyone was game for that till we pulled up and there was Harleys as far as the eye can see. we decided to go in anyway. There was a huge bikers convention going on and the girls were a bit uncomfortable at first. "we clash. everyone else is dressed in black leather and we don't have any black on". well, we managed to have lunch between giggles and even got them to pose for a few pictures by the bikes, sitting as Queens, being tour guides... it was a lot of fun. our waiter even let the girls keep their bread crusts to feed the geese on the way out. Today they are taking Bryce to his final tumbleweeds class and i'm sure that will prove to be eventful as well. tonight when I get done work, they are putting on a dance show for me. they have been working really hard on it and now feel it is good enough to share with me. i'm sure it will be great. I am so glad I got the opportunity to spend as much time as I did with them. They are wonderful and they surre know how to lift your spirits without even trying. I have had a very busy but great week and I can't wait till the next set comes to visit. Hopefully it goes as well as this one did. Sorry to both my sis's for taking your girls to a bikers convention but they loved it and am sure they will remember it for a long time to come. Remember girls, bikers can't be all that bad... just remember how much you laughed when we found the bikers playing bingo. Big, bad bikers sitting around like old ladies playing bingo. sure puts a new twist on things hey?
take care all and remember take everyting one day at a time. my thoughts are with you all


At 12:40 PM, Blogger Love Mom said...

i so totally don't mind you taking her to a biker's convention...remember who this is? Anyway, I had to laugh a lot about the biker's playing bingo. Did you get the girls to pose with some of the bikers? Because that would be RELLY cool!!!

Glad you guys had so much fun.

At 7:33 AM, Blogger tanby said...

we did have a blast,I haven't laughed so much in a very long time. everyone was so tired but we packed in as much as we possibly could. boy can those girls dance and shake their butts, who taught them that. not me thats for sure lol


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