just stuff

just some rants and salutes to share

Saturday, July 30, 2005

have you seen my son??

he is out somewhere on vacation "Up North" somewhere and if he has his way I'm sure he will try to convince Gramma and Papa to stop in. He look at pictures of your kids every night saying"that's my..." for each and every one of them. He is also positive he saw C.K in Stoon a few days ago. R. is she down here with her dad? anyway, I had to work solo for another 9 hrs today and this time I never messed anything up. And I even had 7 customers today. A personal best I must tell you. So now I know I can do most of the tasks required at this new job. I just gave to get over the boredom. Oh well can't have everything I guess. Well it's now time for supper so this was just a quick post to tell everyone I survived the day. Take care all



At 1:56 AM, Blogger Love Mom said...

He's probably having a blast with those two. Somewhere up north though heh? Are you sure they were stopping this close to home or were they carrying on to visit some snow? I am sure Papa is missing that by now...LOL

We'll keep our eyes out for him.

As far as work goes, glad to hear you're feeling more comfortable with it. Now what can we do to overcome the boredom...? I am sensing...I am sensing...I see myself buying a book for someone for Christmas...a really thick one, with lots of big words and no pictures...grown up words that don't rhyme...LOL

At 11:16 AM, Blogger tanby said...

A. that would be great only we are not allowed to read at work. Dumb hey, how hard is it to put a book down when someone comes in??

R. he was positive it was her so maybe next time I should listen right. Don't worry about work it will get easier and soon you won't think of apples as apples but as 1345863... who knows

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Love Mom said...

Ah, yes produce is not produce but a series of numbers. I know at Superstore and IGa bananas are 4011, peaches 4036, nectarines 4038...funny how I still remember those after a year of being away. They get ingrained in your head. I picture myself an old lady in my care home telling the nurses all the codes for all the produce, including odd stuff like bok choy and diakon...something to look forward to...


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