just stuff

just some rants and salutes to share

Friday, July 29, 2005

boy, did i get spoiled

what a nice surprise... this morning i work up to a special, gormet breakfast. it was obvious how much time and thought went into making it special, just for me. it started off with double hot toast with gabs of jam, served so eloquantly on a spiderman plate, followed by a big bowl of hot cereal served in a bright green bowl. it looked ummm....great!???
if it isn't obvious by now my son made his first attempt at making a "real" breakfast for me.
rough translation of what I actually ate(choked down) was burnt toast and cheerios with milk warmed up in the microwave. sounds great hey. the thought was there even though the food was gross, it was made with love and that makes me spoiled. He is going away "on a holiday and won't be back for 10 days" actually he is going away for the weekend but to him that is forever. and he wanted to do something special for me. Well, it could have been worse. he never even made a mess for me to clean up so it;s all good.
Anyway this was just so cute I had to share.
Hopefully someone else sees the humour and if this has happened to you feel free to share your experience. I would love to hear about it


At 4:05 PM, Blogger tanby said...

i really don't know where he is going. all I know is up North somewhere and they will be back on Monday

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Love Mom said...

Aaawwww that is so sweet and definitely kudos to you for attempting to swallow it down. Good on you. Cherish really doesn't like making me breakfast in bed since that time she did when she was 4 and I wound up passing out and in the hospital. Remember that T?

What made him think to warm up the milk? Does he do that with his own cereal or did he just want you to have hot cereal and not turn on the stove like Shawn and the eggs? Ever hear that one R?

Anyway, he really is a sweetheart. Good job.


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