just stuff

just some rants and salutes to share

Sunday, August 14, 2005

who does this remind you of?

Dad's Way

Now my dad weren't too long on words
When it came to how he felt
but there wuz little need fur them
When dad reached fer his belt.

There weren't no need fer rep-ar-tee
or psy-cho-logic help,
we cut right thru the learning curve
when dad reached fer his belt.

Now folks don't get me wrong on this
We never got a lick
but I wuz almost pert near grown
before I learned his trick.

It weren't the pain of leather strap
or rising blistered welt,
We made our minds up rabbit-quick
when dad reached fer his belt.

Now I ain't sayin' that's the way
to raise a kid alright
but none of us had complexes
and we knowed wrong from right.

I love my dad and always will
and thank him fer his help
and fer the man that I became
cause dad reached fer his belt.

Rod Nichols

this is just an appreciation to those who were raised before spanking could land you jail time and kids had respect for their parents and others. I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did and appreciates it for what it is and doesn't take offense


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