just stuff

just some rants and salutes to share

Thursday, September 08, 2005

so whats the deal

i have been looking around and i still haven't found a breakdown on how many calories i should be eating per day and what percentage for each catagory. more carbs or protein and how much of each. i am really dedicated to making this change to eating better and could really use the help. if anyone out there knows the numbers please share them with me.
today was a good start. i managed to eat breakfast, then to my surprise, i was hungry again at lunch. i know this is whats supposed to happen but i have been really bad in the past-only eating once a day. today i made 3 and it didn't kill me. i also went grocery shopping and didn't buy anything that wasn't on my list. here's to another sucessful day tomorrow. i am really trying to make this work. any words of encouragement would help, any advice, what works or doesn't work.... anyway, enough blabbing for now. take care to all and keep strong


At 12:12 AM, Blogger Love Mom said...

Will look for you. I was told by my doctor...I asked him when I was there, how many calories a person of my height and weight and activity level should be eating in order to lose weight. He told me approximately 1600, the most. As far as breaking it down into how many carbs, fats and proteins...I will try to look that up but I don't know...

At 6:32 PM, Blogger tanby said...

R. i didnt get an email with a formula. if you still have it please try again. if not i think about 1200 cal/day seems good

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Love Mom said...

T...1200 is pretty low actually. I was told in order to lose weight that 1600 for our age category, activitely level and height/weight is a good number to aim for.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Love Mom said...

why don't you blog much any more...? LOL


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